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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Story and Topic Perspective of Multimedia Reporting on 5 Real Events

Story and Topic Perspective of Multimedia Reporting on 5 Real Events

1.      Recalls
Story: Toyota Recalls, saying it would immediately stop selling the Camry, Corolla and Avalon sedans, Matrix wagon, RAV4 crossover, Tundra pickup, and Highlander and Sequoia sport utility vehicles.

Topic: Car Recalls include different makers and models in the past five years, for example, listing the problems, and their fixes in articles, pictures, videos, interviews with car owners, manufacturers, and experts, mechanics, salespeople, government agency such as National Highway Traffic Safety Administration; accidents in different regions using interactive maps supported by researchable data.


2.      .Wildfires
Topic: Wildfires in California in history, regions, causes and investigation results, in pictures videos, and writings, based on interviews with residents affected by the fires, and firefighters, experts in the field. And if possible, in comparison with epidemic wildfires in Australia.

3.      China Political Prisoners (of Conscience)
Story: Liu Xiaobo-who he is, what he did in the past; charges of his 11-year-sentence; worldwide reaction to his indication
Topic: political environment in Communist China; political prisoners in history under the Communist rule since 1949, and their status updates –death, release, re-education camps using graphics, and maps indicating where these prisons were/are; memoirs of sufferings of prisoners and family members using pictures and videos, and message board for those still missing, interviews with former political prisoners or prisoners of conscience, and the comments by experts. Today’s Chinese prisoners of conscience, including journalists being jailed for investigative reporting, and for exercising their constitutional rights of “freedom of expression”, etc. , using twitter, facebook, youtube, and other contemporary multimedia techiniques, revealing their stories to the world community.

4.      Google China
Story: Google’s China move-Google operation in China, censorship policy fact check; Google claims and background reporting, is the best example, using online groups for discussions, netizens’ reaction to the issue, US and Chinese government responses, etc.
Topic: Internet Freedom vs. Internet Censorship, to discuss the nature of the Internet, benefits and imperfects such as child pornography, Censorship policies in some countries, particularly in Communist China, where there is a government-led institutional, systematic practice of censorship, with self-censorship by businesses under the government pressure; fight over the freedom of information on the Internet; technological support to proxy software for netizens blocked by the firewall; Internet freedom and the “digital diplomacy” and “digital democracy”; maps indicating the censorship intensity; audio/video, online  interviews with Internet experts on censorship situations, and its future, etc.  

5.      Steve Jobs
Topic: Steve Jobs’ inspiring enterprenueruer career  and Apple’s breakthrough products including Mac, iPhone, iPod, iPad, despite the dotcome bubble in late 1990s, and current economic meltdown, using graphics displaying the products over the past 20 years, and its impact on the industry; Steve Jobs’ role in Apple, comparing the company before and after his departure, and his return to reinvent the company he co-founded.  Interviews with Mac fans and foes, IT experts, in audio, video and texting, all in an interactive platform.


  1. I enjoyed your findings of issues/events and then seeing how the coverage differs between story and topic. So much information can be gained by approaching an event through different avenues as you've shown here. It would almost be helpful if news caring websites gave a story and then at the bottom of the page, provided a link to a topical article about the story, giving the reader more information/background. I think sometimes the story resonates more with an audience but having the ability to locate broader information about the specific would be helpful! I especially enjoyed your link on the IPAD. It is the next new, hot item and I like to see how they package and promote the new technology.

  2. Jimmy,

    I really like the topic idea of Steve Jobs. He's invented so many revolutionary items such as the one's you've mentioned that it would be really interesting to get a full look into the man himself. I also liked your story idea on the California wildfires. It seems that there have been so many in recent years; does this have to do with perceived global warming or some other reason?


  3. Your idea about the political prisoner was very interesting. I like your topic plan to expand the story to examine the history of political prisoners in China. Re: the iPad. Apple came up with another great idea. Unfortunate name. :-)
    Your Toyota story and topic plans were thorough and on target.

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